Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day four!!!!!

 The team working on clearing dirt for the floor of the counseling gazebo, an area where the former street boys will meet together for group functions or counseling.
 Louis pumping water from the bore hole to mix up cement.  The Ugandans are such strong hard workers.
 A Perfect Injustice boys... These former street boys are so tenderhearted, kind, outgoing, and appreciative of everything that we did for them.
 Caleb with some boys and Ella after a fierce game of basketball:)

Today we went out to API's land in bombo Uganda!  API has a feeding program for the street boys in the slums of Kampala. They feed over 60 kids Monday,Wednesday, and Friday.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        These boys that come to the feeding program are then observed for a certain amount time.   If they prove that they are serious about staying off of the streets and show that they want to learn more about our faith and have a desire to follow the Lord, they can then move off of the streets and into these great homes They leave all the drugs ,abuse,  and streets behind  for these nice homes in bombo. The life change is incredible! I love to see the boys in the street and then in these homes.  Itt just makes me so happy!!!!  We went to help them with a basketball camp and we also helped them build a counselling gazebo.  Every day while I'm posting these I just sit here and long to go back to Uganda.   My heart ache does :(

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